Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Nacho and Balanchine

So today was only the 2nd day but I feel like I have been here for so long... maybe it is because we have already danced for a total of 16 hours over the past two days!!!!!!!!! It's crazy but I secretly LOVE IT!! For a dancer it is a good day when you are sore and a good sore all over because it means that you have really worked your entire body! Making every movement count for something. I dont think I have danced this FULL in a while... it is such a good feeling! I just can't help but smile!!! :)

Today we started with a Horton Class (Modern) which as I told you is intense on the core... so first thing in the morning I wasn't sure how it was going to go but it went well! I am really trying to get details details on everything I do here... whether it be the eye focus, the body positioning, the initiation because I want to go away from this havig really learnt so much that it is not just in my head but it is also in my muscle memory. That way I will be able to apply it to everything I do when I leave Spain.

We started rehearsal for our final performance today. It is crazy how things work out... when I say that I wasnt in one of the pieces that I wanted to be in I was a little disappointed this morning. But after going to the rehearsals ( I am in two pieces) I realised that I am actually in two pretty historical pieces! One by George Balanchine and the other by Nacho Duato.... for those none dancers they are two amazing men in the dance world! And I cant believe I get to perform their work! I am really enjoying the Nacho piece because it is not just about the dancing... it is more about being a person and telling a story in a beautiful way. The music is all in spanish but is song by a women with a wonderful voice and the movement is so fluid yet strong, and literal yet magical! It is great! I am excited to get back into the studio tomorrow!

Well it is off to bed again... all I do here is dance and sleep but what is new right!!!! Hopefully my body wont be as sore tomorrow morning... wishful thinking... just maybe! LOL


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